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Marketing in the Tech Industry: How MSP Marketing Solutions Generate Leads

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Marketing in the Tech Industry: How MSP Marketing Solutions Generate Leads

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Marketing in the Tech Industry: How MSP Marketing Solutions Generate Leads

Michael Marchese

February 23, 2023

Michael Marchese

February 23, 2023

Lead generation is the pivotal moment when a user becomes a potential client. This is the critical point at which your tech company stands out from the crowd. Increase the number and quality of leads to grow the number of real customers.

Lead generation can be challenging for tech companies as you have to deliver a result-oriented approach to strengthen your digital presence while laying the foundation for a successful long-term relationship with new customers.

The hardship begins with the difference between having a static audience and a dynamic one. Your sales team should have a marketing solution tailor-made for each customer’s needs.

Many tech companies immediately confront two main challenges when developing their lead-generation strategies:

  1. The overwhelming amount of content available online obstructs potential leads – it becomes the customer’s responsibility to sift data and seek products or services.
  2. Achieving visibility and reaching out to the right prospects are not overnight processes. Companies often lack the in-house resources to bring a comprehensive strategy to fruition.

As a result, savvy tech companies are turning to managed service providers (MSP) to up their game.

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Shaping the user experience

The old saying that you never get a second chance to make a first impression has never applied more than in today’s digital marketplace. When a potential client hits your site or landing page, it’s the first step in building the complete user experience. How will that customer gauge the significance of your brand, the quality of your content?

Understanding your audience

MSP marketing solutions can ensure this initial contact is a positive, immersive experience by conducting thorough research into your audience and market.

Utilizing analytics and metrics specific to your scope, your MSP partner can develop a detailed buying journey map. This map will highlight the pain points of your audience and the various means prospects use to evaluate tech products.

For instance, 30% of product searches now launch immediately via search engine. An MSP can identify how to leverage SEO — including off-page — to connect you with the largest pool of potential buyers.

Increasing visibility

Visibility is another vital factor for facilitating initial contact with a prospect. Getting your content to rank at the top of search result pages is no longer sufficient. Optimizing content to achieve visibility can include:

  • Image results. Create infographics for each of your most important pages and services.
  • Featured snippets. Work with your on-page SEO and write eye-catching snippets.
  • Interactive result blocks. Use outlines to allow the users preview pages.

An MSP can help develop successful marketing for tech companies via multiple SEO strategies:

  • Keyword research helps identify searches that reflect the pain points of the audience.
  • Using the latest SEO best practices will ensure you meet the criteria Google values with its recent helpful content update.
  • Evaluation of your competitors’ SEO strategies against your own will optimize your visibility.

Content marketing and inbound lead generation

Marketing for technology companies delivers better results with a big-picture approach. Studying points for recalibration of your existing plan and exploring how to anticipate future needs change the game. By outsourcing SEO to an MSP, you benefit from a one-stop, synergy-driven approach — all your SEO and content creation is generated by the same partner, ensuring that every piece you publish will align with your SEO strategy.

Your content will also meet the user expectations produced by the optimized metadata displayed in search results — a critical factor for a lower bounce rate.

With two-thirds of marketers increasing their content creation budget in 2022, it’s more important than ever to adopt a competitive content marketing strategy. Here’s how an MSP can help:

  • An MSP can create a content calendar to help you publish fresh content often.
  • This partner can identify innovative ideas to help your audience keep up with the latest tech trends.
  • Being one of the first tech companies to discuss new trends will turn you into a thought leader.
  • An MSP can map the user journey and create high-quality content that consistently meets user needs at different stages of this journey.
  • Working with an MSP is an opportunity to explore a wide range of content formats and publication channels. Examples include blogging, guest posting, FAQ pages, white papers.

SEO strategy

The specifics that only professionals can cope with

On-page SEO. Even if you publish 100 articles on your website, it won’t always attract prospects. Marketing for technology companies calls for prioritizing visibility in search results, which is something an MSP can achieve by creating copy where the right keywords occur naturally. During the content development process, your MSP will optimize content to generate leads.

Off-page SEO. Plus, an MSP can optimize metadata and develop a strategic linking structure. Your vendor will also build a network of backlinks from authoritative sources to support indexing and ranking for tech topics.

Publication channels are another important aspect of any successful marketing for tech companies’ campaigns. Working with an MSP means you’ll have access to a team of digital marketing experts who can identify the right channels for distributing your content.

Typically, your marketing vendor will help you leverage a mix of owned and earned channels:

  • Owned channels can include your website and blog, as well as your email list, gated content, and social media profiles.
  • Earned media channels can include tech publications and press releases. You can also use online discussion platforms or social media groups.

Achieving continuous engagement

After establishing an initial touchpoint where the prospect develops awareness of your tech company and services, the next step is to lay the foundation for continuous engagement.

With B2B buying journeys becoming increasingly complex, a fast conversion isn’t a realistic goal. Instead, leveraging content to achieve continuous engagement will ensure that your solution remains one of the top options the average six to ten buyers involved in the decision-making process consider.

Providing a clear next step

Creating the initial contact isn’t enough to generate a qualified lead. As the B2B buying journey grows in complexity, prospects have an average of 59% more interactions with vendors.

Marketing for technology companies requires a series of contacts. You need to provide a clear next step to keep prospects engaged. You also need to build a flexible path since every prospect will have a unique buying journey.


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Rethink marketing for tech companies with an MSP

MSP marketing solutions can make a difference at every stage of the buying journey:

  • At the top of the funnel, an MSP can help establish a positive initial contact by leveraging audience research, SEO strategies, and valuable content.
  • An MSP can leverage multiple content formats as well as an omnichannel model to achieve continuous engagement and increase prospect sophistication throughout the middle of the funnel.
  • A marketing partner can remove barriers to purchase to help prospects reach the bottom of the funnel besides developing content that supports purchase decisions and enhances customer satisfaction.

Do you need help with lead generation? As a managed service provider, Tempesta Media can identify and implement the right strategies for your niche. Beyond helping with lead generation, our comprehensive marketing plans can nurture leads and result in an effective and scalable sales funnel built around quality content and trustworthiness.

How is Tempesta Media different from other MSPs? Besides working with an experienced team of marketing and copywriting experts, we rely on two unique solutions to develop highly customized marketing plans:

  • Our Prova assessment is a 90-point audit that helps us get to know your organization, your audience, and your market better. This assessment establishes a baseline we use to inform our recommendations.
  • Our MSP service is a turnkey digital marketing solution we use to create marketing plans adapted to the unique needs and budget of each customer. This platform relies on modules that we can add or remove as needed for services like content creation, SEO, social media marketing, paid ads, and more.

Are you ready to take the next step in your digital marketing strategy? Contact us to learn more about working with an MSP or scheduling your initial Prova assessment!

Picture of Michael Marchese

Michael Marchese

Michael is the founder and CEO of Tempesta Media. He is responsible for corporate strategy, executive team leadership, and overall business operations across all the company’s segments. With over 25 years of experience, he has held various strategic and operating positions. ​​As a recognized expert, he has served on numerous committees for the following industry associations: SEMPO (Search Engine Marketing Professionals Organization), IAB (Internet Advertising Bureau), CGA (Casual Gaming Association), and the MMA (Mobile Marketing Association).

Our Mission

Tempesta Media is the performance-based content marketing solution specifically developed to drive revenue for your business.

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