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Best Practices for Establishing Credibility in Content Marketing for 2024

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Best Practices for Establishing Credibility in Content Marketing for 2024

Two people sitting in front of their laptops, working - content marketing best practices 2024

Best Practices for Establishing Credibility in Content Marketing for 2024

Michael Marchese

December 12, 2023

Michael Marchese

December 12, 2023

Content marketing is competitive. The most successful brands focus on differentiators like quality, uniqueness, and credibility.

Consumers are increasingly aware of commercial messaging. Rather than taking claims at face value, they look for indicators of credibility and trustworthiness.

As a marketer, turning your brand into a trusted source of information can be a crucial differentiator. Trustworthiness is also an influential ranking factor in search results.

What are the content marketing best practices in 2024 to build credibility? Let’s look at industry leaders’ strategies to position themselves as a trusted resource in an ever-growing digital environment.

Two colleagues working on a research with multiple paper sheets showcasing infographics

Delivering Valuable and Authoritative Content

Building relationships based on trust primarily happens through value. There must be a clear benefit for those who engage with your content. Are they learning something new? Can they learn this valuable information anywhere else?

These proven techniques create a strong foundation for a content marketing strategy that delivers value:

  • Invest in original research and publish your findings.
  • Use numbers and facts to illustrate your point
  • Back up your content with credible sources.
  • Bring something new to the discussion with a unique opinion or prediction.

With 42% of brands using long-form content and only 20% publishing research and reports, there are plenty of content creation opportunities if you’re willing to go beyond simple blog posts.

These examples show different approaches to delivering value:

  • Nestle turned World Milk Day into an opportunity to present internal research on feed supplements that would make dairy farming more sustainable.
  • Scooter’s Coffee, a coffee shop franchise, created a compelling piece backed by multiple data points to highlight coffee consumption trends. This kind of information helps prospective franchisees assess this business opportunity.

Leveraging Social Proof

Third-party sources can support credibility in content marketing. With 95% of shoppers checking online reviews before purchasing, social proof can make or break a brand. This trend is also prevalent in the B2B space, with 86% of businesses using reviews for purchase decisions.

You can leverage different forms of social proof, including:

  • Testimonials
  • Case studies
  • User-generated content
  • Influencer endorsements
  • Shares and mentions on social media
  • Affiliate promotions

You’ll get the most out of social media if you incorporate social proof in your content marketing strategies:

  • Feature testimonies through a video series.
  • Respond to comments and mentions on social media.
  • Partner with influencers.
  • Share news updates about receiving industry awards.
  • Add reviews and ratings on product pages.
  • Update your homepage with snippets from reviews.

Amazon has been successfully leveraging social proof for years. For instance, this product page for a popular skincare product incorporates several social elements.

Shoppers can check reviews and ratings to see how well the product works. The page also has a video carousel where people try the product, and the People Also Bought section drives sales by showing other favorite items among shoppers with similar interests.

Nurturing Thought Leadership

The most successful brands are those with something new to say. It’s why developing thought leadership articles should be a key goal for your content marketing strategy.

Thought leadership shows you have enough experience and knowledge to develop new ideas. It also tells your audience you can lead and innovate.

Here is how you can foster credibility in content marketing and position yourself as an industry leader:

  • Publish original thought pieces with opinions, predictions, or advice.
  • Report and comment on recent industry trends.
  • Conduct original research and share your findings.
  • Partner with industry experts to start conversations on important issues in your field.

IBM is an excellent example of how digital content can drive innovation. The tech giant regularly publishes opinion pieces like this blog post that calls for more research on semiconductors.

Prioritizing Transparency

Trust requires honesty. Consumers know how to recognize commercial claims and don’t see these messages as genuine.

You can earn trust by disclosing affiliations. Cite your sources and acknowledge your limits. If you make a mistake, take responsibility for it.

Open communication with your audience shows you value these users. Listen to feedback, make information easy to find, and address questions and issues promptly.

Microsoft is setting an example for transparency with its annual sustainability reports. The company is on its way to becoming carbon-negative, and everyone can track its progress. The information also includes a detailed explanation of how Microsoft uses data.

A person writing the word Audience on a desk

Tailoring Content to the Target Audience

There is a link between personalization and trust:

  • People are busy. Show you value their time by delivering content that feels relevant.
  • Authenticity matters. You can achieve it by being transparent.
  • Consumers want recognition. Quality content and thought leadership can address issues that resonate with them.

Understanding the needs and pain points of your audience makes your content impactful. You can use data from past interactions or general trends to share personalized content. You should also build personalization into your different channels, for instance, by offering context-based support.

Adweek is a popular source of news and information for marketers. It’s also an excellent example of how personalization can enhance value and trust with an opt-in model. Users can choose from over 15 newsletters to receive curated content relevant to their job or interests.

Consistency and Quality Control

Content marketing facilitates a journey where the user consumes content. Quality and consistency are crucial for successful interactions at different stages of this journey.

It doesn’t take much to lose trust. A single mistake or contradiction can make your brand look inconsistent. And with 62% of marketers citing an always-on approach as the best strategy, you must maintain consistency across your channels.

You need a quality control process:

  • Create a list of approved industry sources.
  • Build fact-checking into your publication process.
  • Share guidelines for content creators. They should know where your brand stands regarding critical industry-related issues.
  • Review and update old content often.

Building Relationships and Engaging with the Audience

Engagement matters for two reasons:

  • It builds social proof.
  • Users who develop a personal connection to your brand gain trust through positive experiences.

Two-way communication with your audience is invaluable. The great thing is that most digital marketing channels facilitate these interactions:

  • You can ask for feedback. Send an email asking for a review after purchase or share a brief survey.
  • Turn social media into an effective channel for building trust. Encourage interactions by responding to comments, sharing polls, or launching a brand hashtag.

There are potential challenges linked to consistency that you can address by developing a clear brand voice. You should also define consistent messaging points and have a go-to strategy for handling negative feedback without amplifying it.

If you want to see what successful social proof looks like, head to GoPro’s Instagram profile or YouTube channel. These pages foster a fun and active community by celebrating UGC and engaging users with giveaways.

Monitoring and Adapting

Content marketing best practices for 2024 might require a few adjustments to make sense for your organization. There should be an ongoing effort to measure results and adjust your approach.

Once you make credibility one of your critical goals for creating content, you can use different KPIs to measure results:

  • Track social proof with mentions, reviews, and satisfaction scores.
  • Measure engagement rates on social media.
  • Look at brand mentions and analyze the context.
  • Measure your share of voice.
  • Branded search volume can be an interesting indicator.
  • Collect more data with focus groups and questionnaires to measure brand sentiment.

Best Practices for Trust and Credibility

Adopt a content marketing strategy that supports credibility and trust with these best practices:

  • Publish content that is valuable, transparent, and personalized.
  • Bring something new to the table with thought leadership.
  • Communicate with your audience. Encourage engagement.
  • Leverage social proof to strengthen credibility.

Applying these content marketing best practices for 2024 will result in meaningful engagement and enhance the connection you share with your audience.

If you need help applying these strategies, a managed services solution like Tempesta Media could be the answer.

With our Bullseye Effect approach, we can drive results and enhance trust and credibility through proven content marketing strategies. Contact us to learn how we can help you leverage your online presence to become a trusted thought leader and create meaningful connections with your audience.

Picture of Michael Marchese

Michael Marchese

Michael is the founder and CEO of Tempesta Media. He is responsible for corporate strategy, executive team leadership, and overall business operations across all the company’s segments. With over 25 years of experience, he has held various strategic and operating positions. ​​As a recognized expert, he has served on numerous committees for the following industry associations: SEMPO (Search Engine Marketing Professionals Organization), IAB (Internet Advertising Bureau), CGA (Casual Gaming Association), and the MMA (Mobile Marketing Association).

Our Mission

Tempesta Media is the performance-based content marketing solution specifically developed to drive revenue for your business.

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